Monday, September 24, 2012

Portage la Praire summer experience

Over the summer, I had the pleasure of interning at the Portage Daily Graphic. It was my first real taste of writing life and I learned a lot during my three months there.

I've always been told that you have to start in small towns - and it's true - but I didn't realize how much I'd love working in Portage la Prairie.

Hard work. The writing and covering stories was great, but it was the driving that pushed me around on some days. I feel as if I proved that I could work those long days. With the driving back and forth from Winnipeg, I was working thirteen hour days, plus writing my IPP.

I pushed myself hard over the summer and I'm glad I stood up to the test.

Jordan Maxwell, the PDG's editor, was someone who I learned a lot from. He was a great teacher and I'm glad I was able to work with him.

The stories about CreComm grads being everywhere is true too. Robin Dudgeon and Dan Falloon, who are both great writers, are recent graduates of the program. It was great to see other grads having successful careers after school.

Portage was great as well. Until May, I had never really visited the town. As I began to become more familiar with the town, I realized that it was one of Manitoba's gems.

Crescent Lake and Island Park are two treasures. On Island Park alone, you have a beautiful park, golf course, new hockey rink - and my favourite summer spot - the strawberry fields.

The people were fantastic too. Portage is a very tight community and that is something I really admire. Everyone knows everyone and they are very charitable. People in Winnipeg could learn a lot from Portage.

Writing wise, the best part about working at the PDG was that they gave you full reigns to cover a wide variety of stories. During my three months there, I covered city hall, local politics, agriculture, sports, charities and much more. They also allowed me to take my own photos and shoot my own video.

It was a learning experience that you cannot get at larger newspapers and I am grateful for the opportunity to intern there.

I would highly recommend to any first year who plans to major in journalism to see if the PDG will be open to an intern again next year. Is it hard work? Your damn rights it is. However, it'll give you great experience, you'll meet great people and you'll see if you're really cut out for print journalism.

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