Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Press box etiquette

During the past few months, I've had the pleasure of interning with the Winnipeg Jets and hanging around the press box at the MTS Centre.

One important thing I've picked up is press box etiquette. You see, I've been to both Leafs games (You all know how big of a fan I am), but I've never gotten up and cheered...but I will admit I did do a small fist pump.

When you are surrounded by media professionals and players from both teams, it seems inappropriate to celebrate or watch the game as a "fan." However, there have been times when different people have gotten up and cheered, or boo'd, or showed their displeasure for a call...and to be honest, it felt really weird.

You are supposed to look and act professionally there and when I see people yelling and screaming, it comes off wrong.

So if you ever have the chance to watch a Winnipeg Jets game from the press box, have fun. But don't come off as that crazed fan, because it is not the place to act like one.

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