Oh look, another Lance Armstrong post. Anyways, as you all know, Lance Armstrong was on Oprah and admitted that he used performance enhancing drugs during his cycling career.
Shocking...well, not really. And boy did the media eat this up. Besides the fact that we already knew Armstrong cheated, all that was left for him to do was come clean.
And when he did, CNN, Twitter and every sports journalist decided they would milk the story for the rest of time.
I love Twitter as much as anyone else, but for a good solid three or four days, my feed was littered with Armstrong posts. And it's not that I didn't read any stories on Armstrong, because there were a lot of great pieces. It was those who don't pay attention to cycling that pushed me over the edge.
You know that person. The one who watches a half hour video and becomes an extra on *fill in the blank* topic (Cough Kony 2012 Cough).
And don't look now, but J.J. Abrams and Paramount are scheduled to make a film on Armstrong and his fall from grace.
Lucky the media picked up another fascinating case of Manti Te'o and his hoax of a "girlfriend."
At least the jokes coming from this story were funny (See the Dallas Stars).
It'll be interesting to see the next turn the Armstrong saga takes. Hopefully I don't have to hear about it ever again, but I'm not too sure that'll happen.
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