Monday, February 4, 2013

The diet of a journalist

Journalism life is busy for the most part and getting a having a proper diet is tough.

It's hard to have that balance of healthy food and fast food when getting fast food is so much quicker and convenient.

During my summer internship at the Portage Daily Graphic, I would be on the road close to three hours a day. I didn't have time to make a lunch or even eat a dinner in the evening. Most times, I would be stuck eating Tim's or Subway mid-afternoon with the odd snack. Safe to say that it didn't help my waist line over the summer months.

But it's not always about having to eat bad food. There are days where you don't get to eat until the evening. During most broadcast journalism Thursday's, I don't always get the time to eat. Is it partially my fault? Yes. But with the hectic schedule of a journalist (whether it's print, radio, television, etc), it's not always easy to get the right number of meals in during the day.

And with limited healthy options for snacks and meals out there, it doesn't make it any easier to get the proper nutrition your body needs.

For example, the last month at the Phoenix Sinclair inquiry and Law Courts, I ate Boston Pizza three times and pub food the other. Not to say I didn't enjoy the food, because I did, but it's so easy to get caught up in a bad diet when you're on a deadline.

So after I finish CreComm and get my first true journalism job (fingers crossed), the first goal is to become a much more responsible eater and to save the beers and pizza for the weekends.

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